Thursday, June 12, 2008

Inaugural restaurant review

I've always wanted to be a restaurant reviewer. I love food, and I love eating out. I love recommending my finds to friends and family. Well, now I can recommend them to the universe. I may also create a related blog called Cooking for Ciobhan's Soul, but we'll get to that later.

Thai Place in Allston, MA

I've been working a miserable little contract gig in Allston, in a run-down, slummy, semi-industrial neighborhood, but one of the advantages to the job is that there are lots of great little mom-and-pop restaurants in the area. Whenever possible, I wander out for lunch and try a new place. Today's pick: Thai Place. The storefront is tiny, the decor is horrible, but oh, what wonderful food! Among the chef's specials today was Papaya Salad with sticky rice, which sounded intriguing. It is, in fact, delicious, a wonderful blend of sweet and spicy shredded vegetables: cucumber, tomatoes, and hot red and green peppers constitute the bulk of it, with tiny dried shrimps and crushed peanuts for protein. I have to admit, I can't find or taste the papaya anywhere, but I don't care. The sticky rice is actually so sticky that I can't cut it with my plastic take-out fork and have to tear off chunks with my hand. How do they do that? My girls would love it?

I also ordered a spring roll, and they gave me an order, which was five spring rolls (explains why it was $5). They are hot and crispy but unremarkable in flavor. The dipping sauce is similarly boring.

Hmm, now I have a problem. What's my ratings system? You tell me. Send in your suggestions, please.

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